
17/05/2021 | 1325 |

When coffee suffers from side effects such as insomnia, headaches, dehydration, and high blood pressure when consumed in excess, you're looking for a safe energy boost without side effects and upping the dose. use

It is generally believed that coffee allows us to do more and do better. Before you know it, instead of just 1 cup of coffee daily it is gradually increased to drinking many cups of coffee daily. This leads to the negative side effects that come with consuming too much caffeine, such as anxiety, restlessness, and really poor sleep. These problems can also open the door to a host of other medical problems.

As it turns out, caffeine blocks adenosine receptors and affects your ability to sleep deeply. In addition, the rush of adrenaline and manipulation of your mood causes tremors, breakdowns and dependence, which is terrible for people looking to maximize their peak performance. .

You can check out how it's designed to replace your favorite morning ritual with something better and more effective without the side effects of caffeine.

Alternatives that you can use
Green coffee combined with natural extracts such as Yeast and Cordyceps


When combining coffee and cordyceps, it will help support energy, stamina and performance, work and exercise many times stronger, help you increase brain performance but at the same time have beneficial effects. better control stress, reduce insomnia when drinking coffee alone

With 17 types of amino acids and rare plant protein components, Cordyceps helps provide the necessary amount of protein, ensuring a nutritional balance for the body. At the same time, supporting the prevention of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, ... Cordyceps contains L-tryptophan which is an essential amino acid that the body cannot synthesize on its own. L-tryptophan is converted into niacin by the liver to help treat diseases such as cholesterol in the blood, atherosclerosis,... Moreover, L-tryptophan also provides a precursor of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that helps the body. appetite, support to improve sleep.
Cordyceps also contains B vitamins. For people who are having trouble sleeping, blood levels of vitamin B1 are often low. Therefore, Cordyceps helps to supplement vitamin deficiencies in the body to help sleep better quality.

Sources of vitamins (A, C, D, E, B1, B2, ...) and minerals (Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn, Selenium, ..) present in DTHT help improve health and enhance resistance. , anti-aging and prolonging service life. In particular, selenium is a substance that is highly appreciated for helping to increase the immune system and prevent cancer.

Thanks to the precious ingredients, it contains many natural compounds that are especially good for health. Cordyceps supports eating well, sleeping well, preventing diseases, dissipating fatigue, keeping the body healthy, and prolonging life.

Here's how you drink coffee to start your day fresher and healthier!