Our selection of essential oils for your bath!

02/04/2022 | 1216 |

Did you know that you don't need to go to thalassotherapy to have a very beneficial little balneotherapy session?

A few well-chosen essential oils, a bath and you're done: the path to health is yours!


The benefits of an aromatized bath:

An aromatized bath provides many benefits for our system, whether psychological or physiological.

Indeed, adding a mixture of essential oils and aromatic hydrosols first creates an aromatic fragrance allowing a moment of relaxation and intense relaxation. A great way to take a break from a stressful and tiring day! Indeed, thanks to the heat of the bath, the vapors of essential oils are inhaled and provide a neuropsychological action by olfactory way.

In addition to these relaxing effects on the body, this bath can also provide you with therapeutic skin and physiological benefits, whether for breathing, circulation or muscles!

Since essential oils are hydrophobic, they do not mix with water and remain in clusters on the surface of the water (dangerous for the skin in their pure state). Thus, it is necessary to dilute the essential oils with your washing products (preferably neutral) or with solubol or vegetable oils or hydrosols…


Several examples of health bath:

  • A relaxing bath:

For a relaxation session, favor Bergamot oil which moderates the heart rate and tension and promotes muscle relaxation, fine Lavender essential oil which acts on the nervous system and limits excitability and finally the essential oil of Petit Grain de Bigarade which is the reference in essential oil to fight against stress thanks to its spasmolytic, anxiolytic and sleep-promoting actions.

  • A bath against respiratory infections:

To help you fight against your respiratory problems, the essential oil of Eucalyptus radiata is essential for this bath: it promotes the thinning and evacuation of mucus out of the respiratory tract. In addition, we can add Green Myrtle essential oil which helps to breathe more easily by clearing the bronchial tubes and Balsam Fir essential oil soothing coughs!

  • A slimming bath:

A bath can also have draining and detoxifying effects, helping to eliminate fat! For this, Juniper essential oil is recommended for its ultra-draining properties as well as Atlas Cedar oil being lipolytic and therefore a good anti-cellulite oil.

  • An immunostimulating bath:

In case of great fatigue, nothing better than a bath stimulating your immune system! Ravintsara essential oil is essential to strengthen its defenses, in addition to tea tree which stimulates white blood cells, and Thyme to Thymol essential oil which is a booster and very good anti-infective.

Be careful, however, not all oils are compatible in balneotherapy; some essential oils are very powerful such as cinnamon or oregano and can cause skin burns, irritation or other neurotoxic side effects. In any case,

we recommend that you always seek advice from an aromatherapy specialist for any use of essential oils.

Take precautions and take your baths!

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